Embedding More Autonomous Safety in MCUs-Based Embedded Systems using Project-Based Learning (case study)

Authors: Ahmed Al-Dahoud, Mohamed Fezari, Ali AL-Dahoud

Abstract: In this research, we present a new technique for learning embedded systems design (ES) that integrates Project-Based Learning (PBL) with conventional face-to-face learning. The PBL course uses a project-based learning approach which offers insights for effective safety feature implementation, concentrates on ES or IoT applications and highlights security in the developed system. This is achieved by using Safety co-processors and Microcontrollers which are secure and cost-effective. Furthermore, the study highlights the key safety modules suitable for integration into MCUs. Additionally, we propose implementing a functional safety layer including a safety co-processor equipped with trusted input/output controllers that contribute to identifying potential failures and increase the system fault tolerance.

Pages: 55-63

DOI: 10.46300/9109.2024.18.6

International Journal of Education and Information Technologies, E-ISSN: 2074-1316, Volume 18, 2024, Art. #6

