A Modern Support For Training Geodetic Students In Romania

Authors: Caius Didulescu, Adrian Savu, Constantin Coşarcă, Aurel Sărăcin, Gheorghe Badea, Ana Cornelia Badea, Aurel Negrilă

Abstract: Through the e-learning system called “geodesyinstruct”, Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest offers its students a modern learning tool in geodetical domain, an online collaboration platform integrated with an e-Learning system, allowing the use of digital course modules, interactive teaching and student centered learning, thus ensuring potential to enhance access and participation in higher education.

Pages: 28-31

DOI: 10.46300/9107.2022.16.6

International Journal of Communications, E-ISSN: 1998-4480, Volume 16, 2022, Art. #6

