Fuzzy Cluster Analysis and Prediction of Psychiatric Health Data Based on BPNN

Authors: Hong Xiang, Anrong Wang, Guoqun Fu, Xue Luo, Xudong Pan

Abstract: PMH (psychiatry/mental health) is affected by many factors, among which there are numerous connections, so the prediction of PMH is a nonlinear problem. In this paper, BPNN (Back Propagation Neural Network) is applied to fuzzy clustering analysis and prediction of PMH data, and the rules and characteristics of PMH and behavioral characteristics of people with mental disorders are analyzed, and various internal relations among psychological test data are mined, thus providing scientific basis for establishing and perfecting early prevention and intervention of mental disorders in colleges and universities. Artificial neural network is a mathematical model of information processing, which is composed of synapses similar to the structure of brain neurons. The fuzzy clustering analysis and data prediction ability of optimized PMH data are obviously improved. Applying BPNN to the fuzzy clustering analysis and prediction of PMH data, analyzing the rules and characteristics of PMH and the behavioral characteristics of patients with mental disorders, can explore various internal relations among psychological test data, and provide scientific basis for establishing early prevention and intervention of mental disorders.

Pages: 497-503

DOI: 10.46300/9106.2022.16.61

International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, E-ISSN: 1998-4464, Volume 16, 2022, Art. #61

