Object Identification by Signal Gain and Correlation
Author: Ching-Liang Su
Abstract: In this study, “ring rotation invariant transform” techniques are used to add more salient feature to the original images. The “ring rotation invariant transform” can solve image rotation problem, which transfers a ring signal to several signal vectors in the complex domain, whereby to generate invariant magnitude. Matrix correlation is employed to combine these magnitudes to generate the various discriminators, by which to identify objects. For managing image-shifting problem, one pixel in sample image is compared with surrounding pixels of unknown image. The comparison approaching in this study is by the basis of pixel-to-pixel-comparisons.
Pages: 12-22
DOI: 10.46300/9101.2022.16.3
International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, E-ISSN: 1998-0140, Volume 16, 2022, Art. #3