Using SWOT Analysis for Defining Strategies of Mobile Learning

Authors: Matija Grčić, Ruben Picek

Abstract: After exploring the concept of m-learning, this paper focuses on defining a SWOT analysis of mobile learning with detail discussion of each element. Finding important relationships by matching well know SWOT variables in a systematic fashion is a next step of research where using a algorithm which can provide a help in defining appropriate strategy. The result of our research is a conceptual framework for defining strategies for mobile learning, which will help primarily universities or other educational institutions in estimating their own position and creating the strategy for adopting m-learning into their curriculums which make a valuable contribution for the future research in this area.

Pages: 1-6

DOI: 10.46300/9101.2022.16.1

International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, E-ISSN: 1998-0140, Volume 16, 2022, Art. #1

