Methodology of Teaching Methods of FEM Analysis Using Software ANSYS
Authors: Juraj Králik, Juraj Králik JR.
Abstract: This paper presents the authors' experience of teaching the finite element method (FEM) at university. With the development of computational tools in the second half of the twentieth century, there was also the development of computational methods focused on the algorithmization of engineering tasks based on FEM. From the solution of individual problems of the state of stress and deformation from the influence of the external environment, a complex solution of the mutual interaction of the system of deformable bodies (elements) has been performed while improving the physical and geometric characteristics of modern materials and structures. Many processes in the automatic design system take place as if in a "black box" and the process of verifying the achieved results becomes the most important stage in the design activity. Without knowledge of the theoretical basis of FEM, physical and mathematical modeling, verification procedures and methods, the design of a structure cannot be safe and reliable. In this paper we present one of the possibilities how the student can get acquainted with the theoretical foundations of FEM and with computational procedures using ANSYS software.
Pages: 12-28
DOI: 10.46300/9109.2022.16.2
International Journal of Education and Information Technologies, E-ISSN: 2074-1316, Volume 16, 2022, Art. #2