A Functional Electrical Stimulator to Enable Grasping Through Wrist Flexion
Authors: Mahendra S. J., Viswanath Talasila, Abhilash G. Dutt, Mukund Balaji, Abhishek C. Mouli
Abstract: Functional electrical stimulation is an assistive technique that utilizes electrical discharges to produce functional movements in patients suffering from neurological impairments. In this work, a biphasic, programmable current- controlled functional electrical stimulator system is designed to enable hand grasping facilitated by wrist flexion. The developed system utilizes an operational amplifier based current source and is supported by a user interface to adjust stimulation parameters. The device is integrated with an accelerometer to measure the degree of stimulated movement. The system is validated, firstly, on two passive electrical loads and subsequently on four healthy volunteers. The device is designed to deliver currents between 0-30mA, and the error between the measured current and simulated current for two loads were -0.967±0.676mA and -0.995±0.97mA. The angular data from the accelerometer provided information regarding variations in movement between the subjects. The architecture of the proposed system is such that it can, in principle, automatically adjust the parameters of simulation to induce the desired movement optimally by measuring a stimulated movement artifact (e.g., angular position) in real time.
Pages: 19-29
DOI: 10.46300/91011.2022.16.4
International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering, E-ISSN: 1998-4510, Volume 16, 2022, Art. #4