Title: Five-level DTC-ANN with Balancing Strategy of DSIM
Author(s): Elakhdar Benyoussef, Said Barkat
International Journal of Energy, vol. 16, pp. 52-59, 2022, Art. #8

Title: Multiscale Convergence Optimization in Constrained Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Author(s): N. M. Nafati, S. Antonczak, J. Topin, J. Golebiowski
International Journal of Energy, vol. 16, pp. 45-51, 2022, Art. #7

Title: The Selection and Training Framework for Managers in Business Innovation and Transformation Projects
Author(s): Antoine Trad, Damir KalpićKalpić
International Journal of Energy, vol. 16, pp. 37-44, 2022, Art. #6

Title: End Fuel Prices and Their Drivers in the Czech Republic
Author(s): Ladislav Tyll, Filip Fingl
International Journal of Energy, vol. 16, pp. 29-36, 2022, Art. #5

Title: The Issues of the Improvement of the Methodology for the Assessment of Reforms
Author(s): Samson Davoyan, Ashot Davoyan
International Journal of Energy, vol. 16, pp. 21-28, 2022, Art. #4

Title: Study and Application of the Advanced Frequency Control Techniques H∞ in the Voltage Automatic Regulator of Powerful Synchronous Generators (Application under Gui/Matlab)
Author(s): Ghouraf Djamel Eddine, Naceri Abdellatif
International Journal of Energy, vol. 16, pp. 13-20, 2022, Art. #3

Title: Analysing the Impact of the Monetary Policy Dynamics on Financial Imbalances- A Model Approach
Author(s): Wael Bakhit
International Journal of Energy, vol. 16, pp. 5-12, 2022, Art. #2

Title: Simulating System for Technical Characteristic Analysis in Power Generation by Wind Turbine Generator
Author(s): Warunee Srisongkram, Nattapong Phanthuna
International Journal of Energy, vol. 16, pp. 1-4, 2022, Art. #1