Title: An Online Student-Oriented Assessment Program for the Core Subjects of Bachelor and Master Studies in Technical Higher Education
Author(s): Βrânduşa Prepeliţă Răileanu
International Journal of Computers and Communications, vol. 16, pp. 27-32, 2022, Art. #5
Author(s): Βrânduşa Prepeliţă Răileanu
International Journal of Computers and Communications, vol. 16, pp. 27-32, 2022, Art. #5
Title: Using Intermediate Data of Map Reduce for Faster Execution
Author(s): Shah Pratik Prakash, Pattabiraman V.
International Journal of Computers and Communications, vol. 16, pp. 20-26, 2022, Art. #4
Author(s): Shah Pratik Prakash, Pattabiraman V.
International Journal of Computers and Communications, vol. 16, pp. 20-26, 2022, Art. #4
Title: Redefining Professional Development in Romanian Technical Higher Education
Author(s): Βrânduşa Prepeliţă Răileanu
International Journal of Computers and Communications, vol. 16, pp. 13-19, 2022, Art. #3
Author(s): Βrânduşa Prepeliţă Răileanu
International Journal of Computers and Communications, vol. 16, pp. 13-19, 2022, Art. #3
Title: ADI Methods for Three-dimensional Fractional Diffusions
Author(s): Moreno Concezzi, Renato Spigler
International Journal of Computers and Communications, vol. 16, pp. 9-12, 2022, Art. #2
Author(s): Moreno Concezzi, Renato Spigler
International Journal of Computers and Communications, vol. 16, pp. 9-12, 2022, Art. #2
Title: The Acquirement of a European Dimension in Education
Author(s): Βrânduşa Prepeliţă Răileanu
International Journal of Computers and Communications, vol. 16, pp. 1-8, 2022, Art. #1
Author(s): Βrânduşa Prepeliţă Răileanu
International Journal of Computers and Communications, vol. 16, pp. 1-8, 2022, Art. #1