Effect of Oil and Selenium as Feed Supplement on Nutritional Content, Fatty Acid Profile, Cholesterol and Protein Productive Value in Nile Tilapia Meat

Authors: Kiki Haetami, Junianto Junianto, Dan Abun Abun

Abstract: Feed supplements of oil and selenium have been studied for their effect on absolute weight growth and a descriptive picture of the nutritional content of protein, fat, cholesterol in tilapia baby fish. Feed experiments using Complete Randomized Design (6x3), R1 (basal/protein ration 28%); R2 addition of a mixture of coconut oil and hazelnut oil without Se and R3 (oil mixture 4%+Se 0.15 mg/kg); R4 (4% coconut oil + Se) and R5 (4% hazelnut oil + Se) and Rs (standard ration of protein 32%). Coconut is dominated by saturated fatty acids (lauric acid 42.67%), while hazelnut is dominated by linoleic unsaturated fatty acids (34.4%) and oleic acid (48.99%). Basal ration with the addition of a mixture of vegetable oils + Se resulted in an absolute growth of 27.33 g and a daily growth rate (DGR) of 0.43 g/day, and matched the Ration with high protein (32%). The addition of vegetable fats and selenium provides fish meat protein content 54.62%-58.54% and meat protein conversion (protein productive value) 27.68-32.03%. The fat content of meat and cholesterol ranges from 7.15%-10.20% and 75.43-103.97 mg/dL, respectively, and Se in tilapia meat ranges from 0.502-0.753 mg/kg).

Pages: 42-47

DOI: 10.46300/91011.2023.17.5

International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering, E-ISSN: 1998-4510, Volume 17, 2023, Art. #5

