Towards a New Approach of Measure of Skills Applied to an Adaptive Assessments System Used in E-learning and E-recruitment

Authors: Ali Aajli, Karim Afdel

Abstract: It is no coincidence, that the distance learning platforms are increasingly used in universities, colleges and companies offering effective and continuous training of their employees without constraint of time and space. The effectiveness of such a learning system depends mainly on the degree of information assimilated by the learner at the end of training. In this article, we focus on the conception and implementation of a system for measuring competence for the computer sciences. This system uses the model of the item response theory. The results provided by this system are presented to the student, as a dashboard. They will allow the teacher or tutor to have the necessary elements to monitor their learning by identifying the causes blocking and checking its achievements. This system can also help to improve the recruitment process of companies using it in a near-selection process of candidates for jobs.

Pages: 7-13

DOI: 10.46300/9108.2022.16.2

International Journal of Computers, E-ISSN: 1998-4308, Volume 16, 2022, Art. #2

